
Saturday, March 26, 2011

learning from last week

Reflect on your learning process in project one. What have you learnt so far, what helped and motivated you learn? Is there anything that you want to improve in your next project? Set yourself a goal and make a plan how you could achieve this goal. Document your reflections and goal on your blog.
From project one I learned:
1, Understood and used basic coding in processing.
2, get idea about programming and programming language.
3,Good Researching is important for final work.
4, learned way to do presentation  from other student.

The goal for next:
1, better programming
2, better researching
3, better presentation

I will follow the tutorials step by step to study processing.and doing research on Internet or in library. find good code from other people. If any questions I will discuss with tutor or classmate.

Read the file "programming the bigger picture", that you can find online in our tutorials section. While you read, take quick notes, in any way you find effective, on key concepts and questions that arise – and any connections you can make to your own experiences in design and with code. Then post your notes to your blog.

In this tutorials showing up the reason  why we have to study coding, because most software has built in programming language, such as 3ds Max (MAXscript), Photoshop (C++), Blender (Python), Flash (Actionscript), Microsoft office suite (.NET).
And also tell me as a designer is highly beneficial to have at least a basic knowledge of programming.
That mean after study this course I can using some coding knowledge, when I using  Photoshop or Afterefface.

And I learned what is the different language when we write code in  different program.

“As a designer is is highly beneficial to have at least a basic knowledge of programming, as this enables you to complete smaller interactive works without having to rely on others coding abilities. It also gives you the ability to judge a project's feasibility even if others end up doing the programming.”

At last tell me If I use somebody else's code I need acknowledge it.

Such as:

/* The following code was sourced from the tutorial
* Sourced from
* Written by Ben Jack

int mill = 1000000;
int sqrty = (int)sqrt(mill);
float circSize = width/(sqrty+0.0);
for(int i = 0; i < sqrty; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < sqrty; j++)
ellipse(i*circSize + circSize/2, j*circSize + circSize/2, circSize, circSize);

Investigate the topic transformation. What does transformation mean? Have a look at the openprocessing site and search for transformations. Which transformation sketch do you find most appealing and why? Try to find out, how it's code works. Document your investigations on your blog.

this is  the code i found in
I learned  how does translate  and pushmatrix code works from this tutorial. therefore i would like share this code to every body ales.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

For greater understanding of pushMatrix() and popMatrix()
  I have submitted this sketch because writing it solidified my understanding the pushMatrix()
  and popMatrix() functions.  It also shows the usefulness of nesting push-pop pairs within
  one another.  (At the risk of violating good Java style I have indented code within push-pop
  pairs even though these are not formal code blocks.  This is for the sake of clarity.)
  The sketch creates four shapes (rectangles), and also manipulates these shapes as a unit, which
  I will call a figure.
  Transformations translate() and rotate() stack so that when you call one, all subsequent items
  that are drawn will appear with those transformations applied.  pushMatrix() and popMatrix()
  are used to put a new set of transformation on the stack, and then remove transformations from
  the stack so that they are not applied to items drawn later.
  Using pushMatrix() and popMatrix() is the best way to cleanly position many items on the same